Alabama Foreign LLC Registration (How-to Guide)

Alabama Foreign LLC

Are you looking to expand your business into Alabama? Registering your foreign LLC in Alabama might seem daunting, but we’re here to make it easy!

Follow our step-by-step guide, and you’ll have your LLC set up quickly.

Let’s get started!

Key Highlights: Alabama Foreign LLC Formation

An Alabama Foreign LLC is a limited liability company created in another state or jurisdiction that wants to do business in Alabama.

To operate legally in Alabama, the LLC must file a Name Reservation Certificate and a Foreign LLC Application for Registration with the Alabama Secretary of State. The total state fees are $175, or $184 if you file online.

One of the simplest ways to handle this process is by using a registered agent based in Alabama. From my experience, Northwest Registered Agent is the best option.

Alabama Foreign LLC Requirements

1. Name Reservation

The first step to registering your foreign LLC in Alabama is to reserve your business name. This ensures your LLC’s name is unique and not already used within the state. File a Name Reservation Certificate with the Alabama Secretary of State to do this.

This reservation holds your desired name for one year, giving you ample time to complete the registration process without worrying about losing your chosen name.

2. Alabama Registered Agent

Every foreign LLC in Alabama must have a registered agent based in the state. A registered agent is an individual or business entity authorized to receive official documents and legal notices on behalf of your LLC.

This requirement ensures a reliable point of contact for any legal matters or state correspondence.

Although you can use friends or family as your registered agent, I recommend opting for a professional registered agent service.

3. Business Identity

Once your LLC is set up in Alabama, building a solid business identity that resonates with the local market is essential. A robust and localized digital presence can help establish your business as trustworthy and professional, even if you’re new to the area.

Make sure your business name includes “Limited Liability Company” or an abbreviation like “LLC” or “L.L.C.” to indicate your business structure. Alabama law requires this designation, which helps distinguish your LLC from other types of entities.

4. Application for Registration

To legally operate your foreign LLC in Alabama, you must complete and file the Foreign LLC Application for Registration with the Alabama Secretary of State.

Here’s the information included in the Foreign LLC Application for Registration:

  • Legal name of the LLC
  • State where the LLC was formed
  • Principal office address
  • Name and address of the Alabama registered agent

Be thorough and accurate in providing this information to avoid delays or issues with your application.

The Alabama Secretary of State’s office accepts applications by mail or online.

If filing by mail, send your completed form to the following address:

Secretary of State, Business Services
P.O. Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103

5. Alabama Certificate of Authority

Once your Application for Registration is approved, you will receive an Alabama Certificate of Authority.

This certificate grants your LLC the legal right to do business in Alabama and confirms that you have met all state requirements for foreign business entities. Keep this certificate safe, as it proves your LLC’s authorization to operate in the state.

6. Taxes

Foreign LLCs operating in Alabama must comply with state tax requirements. By default, LLCs are taxed as pass-through entities, meaning profits and losses flow to the members’ tax returns.

However, you can have your LLC taxed as a corporation by filing with the IRS if that suits your business better. In addition to federal tax requirements, your LLC must pay Alabama’s minimum business tax of $100.


The state tax rate varies from $0.25 to $1.75 per $1,000 of your LLC’s net worth in Alabama. Stay up-to-date with these requirements to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

How to File a Foreign LLC in Alabama State

Step 1. Selecting Your Business Name (new or existing)

Begin by choosing a name for your LLC. If you’re using an existing name, make sure it’s available in Alabama and meets the state’s naming requirements. Conduct a name search through the Alabama Secretary of State’s website here.

Alabama Business Name Search

If the name is already in use or doesn’t comply with state rules, you might need to select a different name or use a fictitious name.

Step 2. Appointing Alabama Registered Agent (I use Northwest)

You need to appoint a registered agent who is based in Alabama. This agent will receive important legal documents and official notices on behalf of your LLC.

The registered agent can be an individual resident or a business entity authorized to operate in Alabama. This step is crucial because the registered agent ensures that your LLC complies with legal and administrative requirements.

I recommend using Northwest Registered Agent as they provide complete services for forming your LLC.

Northwest registration

Follow along with my journey and review of Northwest Agent.

Step 3: Launch Your Business Identity

Establish a strong business identity to effectively connect with the local market in Alabama. This might include setting up a professional website, creating social media profiles, and ensuring your business appears legitimate and trustworthy. A well-established presence will help build credibility and attract customers in your new market.

Step 4: Complete the Application for Registration

Fill out the Foreign LLC Application for Registration form accurately.

This form requires:

  • The legal name of your LLC as it is in your home state or jurisdiction
  • A fictitious name, if needed, to meet Alabama’s naming standards
  • A copy of your Name Reservation Certificate if you reserved a name
  • The street address of your LLC
  • A mailing address if it differs from the street address
  • The name and address of the person preparing the application
  • The name and address of your Alabama registered agent
  • The name of your home state or jurisdiction
  • The date when your LLC was originally formed
  • The date your LLC plans to start doing business in Alabama
  • A signature from someone authorized to act on behalf of your LLC

Registering your foreign LLC in Alabama is straightforward and affordable. For $150, you can complete the process by mail or opt for the convenience of online filing for $156.

Step 5: Receive Your Alabama Certificate of Authority

After submitting your application, the Secretary of State of Alabama will review it. You will receive an Alabama Certificate of Authority if everything is in order. This certificate officially authorizes your LLC to conduct business in Alabama and proves your LLC’s registration in the state.

How long does it take?

Alabama processes online filings instantly so that you can handle your paperwork quickly. If you choose to file by mail, expect a processing time of about two weeks, plus additional time for mailing.

Step 6: Pay Your Taxes

Ensure you understand and comply with Alabama’s tax requirements for foreign LLCs. This includes a minimum business tax of $100. Additionally, you must pay a tax rate ranging from $0.25 to $1.75 per $1,000 of your LLC’s net worth in Alabama. Keeping up with these tax obligations helps avoid penalties and ensures the smooth operation of your LLC in the state.

Registration Fee – How Much Does a Foreign LLC in Alabama Cost?

Registering a foreign LLC in Alabama involves a clear and manageable fee structure. The fee is $156 if you file your registration online. This method is the quickest, with the Alabama Secretary of State processing online submissions immediately. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a fast and efficient way to complete your registration.

On the other hand, if you prefer to file by mail, the fee is slightly lower at $150.

However, remember that mailed filings generally take about two weeks to process once received. Additionally, you’ll need to factor in extra time for postal delivery, which can vary depending on your location.

Whether you opt for the convenience of online filing or the traditional mail route, both options are designed to make the registration process as smooth as possible.

When registering your LLC in Alabama, you must appoint a registered agent with a physical address to manage legal documents. Typically, this service ranges between $200 and $1,000. But my favorite registered agent costs less than $100. Click here.

Do foreign LLCs in Alabama need to file a Certificate of Formation?

Foreign LLCs in Alabama do not need to file a Certificate of Formation. Instead, to operate legally in the state, foreign LLCs must file a Foreign LLC Application for Registration with the Alabama Secretary of State.

This application is crucial in registering your LLC to do business in Alabama. It requires detailed information about your LLC, such as its legal name, the state where it was originally formed, its principal office address, and the name and address of your Alabama registered agent.

How are Foreign Entity LLCs in Alabama taxed?

Foreign LLCs operating in Alabama face specific tax requirements that can vary depending on their business activities. Firstly, all foreign LLCs must pay a minimum business privilege tax of $100 for the privilege of conducting business in the state.

Additionally, Alabama imposes a net worth tax, which ranges from $0.25 to $1.75 per $1,000 of the LLC’s net worth in Alabama. This tax ensures that LLCs contribute to the state’s revenue relative to their economic presence.

The tax obligations may also include income tax if your LLC owns a stake in a business in Alabama. Even if your LLC has minimal business activities in the state, you could still be liable for income tax on earnings derived from your investment.

However, in some cases, you might not be required to pay the business privilege tax if your LLC’s operations in Alabama are limited.

Given the complexities of these tax regulations, it is wise to consult with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or tax professional.

FAQs on Alabma Foreign LLC Registration

Can I Be My Registered Agent for My Alabama LLC?

Yes, you can act as your registered agent for your Alabama LLC, provided you have a physical address in Alabama where you can receive legal documents and official notices during regular business hours. However, many business owners prefer hiring a professional registered agent to ensure compliance and efficiently handle paperwork.

Why Hire Alabama-Registered Agent Service?

Hiring a professional Alabama-registered agent service can provide several benefits. They ensure that you receive important legal documents and notices promptly, maintain privacy by keeping your address off public records, and help you comply with state regulations. This service can offer additional benefits like mail forwarding and reminders for important filing deadlines.

How Can I Withdraw My Alabama Foreign LLC?

You must file a Certificate of Withdrawal with the Alabama Secretary of State to withdraw your Alabama foreign LLC. This document formally ends your LLC’s authority to do business in Alabama. Ensure all outstanding taxes and fees are paid before filing. Once processed, your LLC will be officially removed from Alabama’s records.

Is a Physical Presence Required in Alabama to Form an LLC as a Foreigner?

No, a physical presence in Alabama is not required to form an LLC as a foreigner. However, you must appoint a registered agent with a physical address in Alabama who can receive legal documents on behalf of your LLC. This ensures that your business complies with Alabama’s legal requirements.

How Do I Amend a Foreign LLC in Alabama?

To amend a foreign LLC in Alabama, file an Amendment to the Foreign LLC Application with the Alabama Secretary of State. You must provide details about the changes, such as modifications to your LLC’s name or registered agent. Submit the amended application and any required fees to update your LLC’s information.

What Does It Mean to Do Business in Alabama?

“Doing business” in Alabama means actively engaging in business activities within the state, such as having a physical location, employees, or substantial sales. It generally involves activities beyond just holding a passive investment. Determining whether your LLC is “doing business” in Alabama helps establish whether you must comply with local business regulations.

Does a Foreign LLC Have to File an Annual Report in Alabama?

Foreign LLCs must file an annual report with the Alabama Secretary of State. This report is due on April 15th and is submitted along with the Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return.

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