50 Blog Post Ideas That Are Quick and Easy

Do you have writer’s block? Don’t worry– every blogger has this problem from time to time. In this post, we’ll share 50 blog post ideas that are quick and easy, and suitable for any niche.

We’ve all been there.

How do you write something meaningful when you don’t know what to write?

The words aren’t flowing, and you have a deadline that is coming faster than any coherent thoughts forming in your head. 

Welcome to writer’s block, and all of us regularly bump into it at some point. Paul Rudnick, possibly “the funniest writer for the stage in the United States today,” wrote that “writing is 90 percent procrastination.”

Scott Barry Kaufman, psychologist, author and podcaster, described a sure way to get over writer’s block as “just keep putting things down on paper”.

But what things to put down when you can’t think of any?

Are there any quick and easy ways to get the thoughts flowing easily and quickly, and then what are the surefire ways to get those thoughts into timely and usable blog posts so that you can turn them into money?

Among professional bloggers who publish multiple times in a day, every day, they are able to publish more than they initially intend—what’s the secret?

Ready to be as prolific as the pros?

We thought so.

Here is our experience-proven list of quick and easy fixes to come up with your post on time. (And by the way: these are all great ideas for social media posts too!)

1. “X Biggest ______ Mistakes People Make”

Everyone is trying to do the right thing and avoid mistakes so such a heading will definitely be clicked upon. You probably can recall some mistakes you used to make just as many people do. Share with your readers so they can stop making these too. 

2. “The Most Important Lesson I Ever Learned About ______”

We come into this life to learn. If you got some particularly valuable lesson, it can benefit your readers too. They’ll be grateful to you for sharing. 

3. “The Story of My Biggest ______ Failure”

It is easy to empathize with a story of someone else’s misfortune as we all have had ours. Such stories are loved by readers for their power to distract from own problems and offer useful coping strategies of which they might not think before. Sharing your biggest failure will make you more relatable. It is also a perfect opportunity to show yourself as able to overcome hardships. 

4. “The Best ______ Advice I Ever Received”

Everyone loves good advice. If you share such a piece, your readers will surely click on the heading. 

5. “The Worst ______ Advice I Ever Got”

As more advice is coming from all around, people find it more difficult to tell good from bad. Help your readers by sharing one advice that did not work for you. This heading will kindle their curiosity.

6. “XX ______ Ideas to Inspire You”

Tell your audience about where you find inspiration. Those who have never tried themselves as writers are fascinated with the ‘how-you-do-it’ writing process backstage. And those who have will be curious to compare their own experiences with yours.

7. “How I Started My First ______”

For example, “How I Started My First Blog”. What nudged you into starting a blog? No two bloggers’ stories are absolutely similar. Readers are interested to know why writers are doing what they do, so sharing your reasons will be appreciated. 

8. “How I Got My First ______”

For example, “How I Got My First Job”. The first job story is one of the easiest to connect with and not at all difficult to write if you have one. Ask your audience to share their own first-job experiences in comments.

9. Challenge

A sure way to minimize your writing task and still engage your audience! Start a challenge like ‘describe yourself in five words’ or ‘list ten things that you love best’ and ask your readers to join in. 

10. Survey

There must be a thing or two you are curious to know about your audience – so ask these questions now! Most readers will appreciate your taking interest in them and gladly contribute. Later, you will be able to make a post with the results. 

11. Industry News

Those watching your industry might be pondering over it right now. Let them know what you think to establish a reputation of yourself as fast-responding, intelligent and knowledgeable in your field. 

12. Your Opinion On a Controversial Issue

This fix is for you if you like to take risks. Think of all controversial issues on which you have an opinion that is different from the mainstream view. Pick one and lay your point down to craft a post that can generate lots of comments – but be prepared that it will also scare away some of your followers. 

13. A Charity You Support

Although some people still believe good deeds must be done in silence, telling others about your charity of choice means that they may want to support it too, so spreading the word is definitely alright.

14. X Things People Don’t Know About You

A perfect topic playing on human curiosity. Share the interesting personal details about yourself that you didn’t mention yet.

15. Your Idea Of a Perfect Day

A bit of daydreaming does not hurt. If you produce this post, it will definitely breathe a genuine feeling – and that’s what attracts the audience. 

16. A Person You Would Have Lunch With

Tell your audience about someone whom you admire and why you admire them. Then ask your readers to tell you who they would have a lunch with in the comments.

17. X Things You Would Tell a Younger Version of Yourself

If you had a time machine, what would you tell your former self? By reflecting on this, you will not only produce a thought-provoking post, but you’ll also understand yourself better.

18. Your Morning Routine

You may think that your morning rites are nothing special, but your readers will still be curious to know what exactly they are to compare with their own. 

19. Your Relaxation Techniques

With hectic lives led by most people today, everyone needs a way to relax. Sharing yours is sure to drive attention and be appreciated by your audience. 

20. X Professional Tips That Did Not Work for You

Professional advice on the web is multiplying, with more tips than one can try in a single life. Save your readers’ time by letting them know which of these you have already tried and which have failed. 

21. How You Deal With Distractions

Procrastination is the evil many of your readers must be combating, just as you do. Share some ways that work for you to get over it – and get your audience’s gratitude.

22. X Most Important Things You Did In the Past Year

Make a brief summary of your accomplishments. What were the best choices or action steps you took this past year? Invite your readers to share their too in the comments section. A great thing about this writing fix is that it can instantly lift your mood as you recall all that was good about your near past! 

23. Your Reading List

Sure you have one as every writer is also an avid reader! It’s the perfect moment to share it and show the audience you are always seeking to broaden your horizons. Ask if they are going to read any of these books too – or maybe just have finished it.

24. The Toughest Part of Your Business/Job

People like to ‘try on’ the lifestyles and occupations of others – this sort of mental exercise feels like living a bit of a different life. Tell your readers more about what you do. That will be appreciated and even practically useful to those who consider taking the same path.

25. The Best Part of Your Business/Job

An optimistic tweak of the above idea – focusing on the bright side rather than the perils. 

26. Your Mission Statement

Tell the readers about your mission in life as you see it. Apart from that it is useful to formulate a mission for yourself – it makes a core of your personal brand – it may also kindle a discussion in comments.

27. X Things You Most Regret

Similar to the story of your greatest failure, this one will make you more relatable. 

28. Your Dream Vacation

Travel is one of those topics that captivate nearly everyone. Tell about a place you loved or a place you dream of visiting someday. Illustrate the post with photos and ask your readers about their favorite places.

29. “X Top Skills You Need to ______”

This fix is useful to make the readers see you as an expert in your field. By sharing what it takes to succeed in this job, you will look like a pro – and also approachable and friendly.

30. “X Top ______ Influencers to Follow”

You definitely know them but your readers may not. Using this post idea, you can harness the power of name-dropping. Mention the influencers in your post and link to their pages, and they may pay you a visit, jerking your visibility up!

31. “X Best ______ Videos You Need to Watch”

Watching videos is fun but more time-consuming than reading. When there are lots around, choosing one becomes a challenge. Your audience will appreciate a suggestion on which videos are actually worth watching. A smart idea would be to post a compilation of the shortest videos on some subject.

32. “X Best ______ Podcasts”

Share the podcasts you like so your readers can enjoy these too. People would rather use advice than pick these blindly, so your experience will be appreciated. 

33. A Book Review

If you have recently read a great book, time to let your audience know. Book reviews are easy to write and getting decent attention, particularly if the book is recent and controversial. Avoid spoilers (or at least hide them using the ‘spoiler’ tool) as they may infuriate those who were just planning to read this one!

34. A Movie Review

If not much into books, you may review a movie or a TV series season instead. The no-spoiler rule applies as well.

35. Tips For an Upcoming Holiday

Is there any major holiday on the horizon? Your audience is probably paying a thought to it right now, whether they like it or not. Your post will come in just handy, resonating with the general anticipation. Or if you express a controversial view on the holiday, there are chances to go viral!

36. Key Findings of a Recent Research Study in Your Field

People seldom have time to read research articles and patience to get through their complicated language. That’s a pity as some findings are definitely worth attention! Summarize them in simple words and introduce to your audience.

37. Your Impressions of an Industry Event

Write about an event you recently attended. Your audience will be interested as many of them probably had a wish to visit but could not do it for some reason. Add some photos – preferably your own – for the post to get ranked higher.

38. A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Your Typical Day

The reason behind the popularity of ‘typical day’ posts is that people are curious to compare their daily routines to someone else’s. Use this human craving to get more exposure with a behind-the-scene post.

39. Respond to a Reader’s Comment

You may have received some comments to your recent posts that you would rather object to, those provoking strong emotions or even telling controversial stories. Respond to one of these comments in your new post. Ask your audience what they think about it. Be prepared that an emotional discussion may start!

40. Respond to Another Blogger’s Post

If you read other people’s blogs, there is probably some recent post that has made you furious, startled or revising your past opinions on this issue. You may strongly disagree with the ideas expressed by the author, or you may totally agree but feel that not many of your readers will do the same. Anyway, it is time to stop containing your emotions and thoughts and lay them down! Just don’t forget to give credit to the original post author.

41. A Life Hack

Everyone has a few personal “life hacks” on how to do this or that thing faster and easier. The audience will love you sharing one. You can even make it as a video to show the tip in action rather than explain. 

42. A Success Story

Remember one of your moments of triumph, when you got what you wanted in spite of everything being against you. This story is worthy of being told to your followers. In order not to make impression of merely bragging, share it as a coping strategy and a motivator, with a bit of you-can-make-it-too attitude. 

43. An Open-Ended Question

Is there any tormenting question you wish you could answer? Ask it to your audience and invite them to come up with their ideas. People like an opportunity to share their opinions, so this post will probably get more comments than you typically have. In the end, you may even get an answer that you just love!

44. A Compilation of Studies On a Topic

Research is a virtually immense source of information, and some topics are inherently curiosity-sparking. Enter one of these in Google Scholar to see what the academic world has to say on this issue. Select the most surprising or myth-busting findings and report in your post. The audience will appreciate your taking time to find and share these.

A Blog Post Compiling Findings from 14 Research Studies on a Topic That Is Pressing to Any Blogger, CoSchedule

45. A Compilation of Influencer Quotes On a Topic

Influencer quotes are easy to locate and liked by many people who eagerly share them. Take some time to make a selection of quotes to your readers’ liking. 

46. A List of Your Own Best Posts

A good quick fix if you’ve already kept a blog for years. Your readers have shared this journey with you. They will like an opportunity to recall its best moments again.

47. “X Best ______ Blogs”

You probably use some blogs as a source of inspiration and useful tips. Time to share them with your readers! Don’t be afraid of losing your readership – that is hugely unlikely to happen unless your blog is a pale imitation of any of these. If you have a unique face, you will keep your readers and also get noticed by those other bloggers who may gladly return you a favor, increasing your visibility. 

48. X Best Blog Posts You’ve Read Recently

Avid blog readers are on a constant search of some new and exciting pieces. Share some of those you personally have enjoyed. Similarly to the tip above, this idea is helpful to build good relationships with your colleagues.

49. “X Best ______ Books You Need to Read”

This idea may seem trivial as there are so many book lists around, but still yours will be unique as it reflects your personal taste. Making such a list is easy, and those readers who love a good book will appreciate your sharing.

50. “X Worst ______ Books to Avoid”

Among lots of books that are insistently recommended to everyone, there certainly are some that are badly overvalued and actually not deserving all the praise. Make your own list of such disappointing readings. This post idea is good to stir up your audience and provoke some heated discussions as people who are passionate about a particular book will be defending it in comments.

That’s it!

We hope you enjoyed this collection of quick and easy blog post ideas.

The above ideas are deliberately diverse so you can find some good blog post ideas no matter what kind of blog you have. Pick one to write up now, and watch your readership grow! AI tools and topic generators have been a huge asset as well. HubSpot provides a free blog ideas generator that you can use to get started. You can either write a brief description of what you want to write about and the platform handles the brainstorming for you or even generate content outlines.

Anna Clarke is the owner of online writing company 15 Writers. She is a successful entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience in both freelancing and academic writing industries, specializing in Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management.

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