36 Vital Omnichannel Marketing Statistics Marketers Should Know


Omnichannel marketing is a strategy that involves providing a seamless customer experience across all channels.

It is a vital strategy for businesses that want to stay competitive in today’s market.

Did you know that omnichannel customers have a 30% higher lifetime value to brands across online and offline channels?

This is just one of the many mind-blowing statistics about omnichannel marketing highlighting its importance.

In today’s world, customers expect the same expertise and service across every channel.

An omnichannel marketing strategy generates around 80% of customers’ in-store visits. This strategy helps retain customers and generates more sales.

In this article, I will explore some of the most important omnichannel marketing statistics that every business should know to stay ahead of the competition.

Key Omnichannel Marketing Statistics
  • About 73% of shoppers favor using multiple channels for their shopping needs.
  • Omnichannel marketing campaigns have a 250% higher purchase and engagement rate than single-channel campaigns.
  • Today’s shoppers use an average of 6 touchpoints when considering a purchase.
  • Omnichannel consumers have a 30 percent higher lifetime value to brands across online and offline channels.
  • Omnichannel marketing strategies help generate around 80% of the in-store visits by customers.
  • North America is the largest omnichannel retail market.
  • Over 60% of shoppers will first research a product they want online.
  • Omnichannel customers spend 4% more in-store and 10% online than single-channel customers.
  • Marketing campaigns using at least three channels have a 494% higher order rate than single-channel campaigns.
  • Omnichannel customers shop 1.7 times more than single-channel shoppers.

1. About 73% of shoppers favor using multiple channels for shopping.

(Source: Harvard Business Review)

Most shoppers use a combination of physical stores, online stores, social media platforms, mobile apps, and other channels to research products, make purchases, and engage with brands.

These shoppers mostly do it for convenience.

Shoppers can shop across multiple channels, choosing the most convenient method for them at any given time.

For example, they may prefer to browse products online but then visit a physical store to try on or test products before making a purchase.

Then the need for personalization.

Shopping across multiple channels allows shoppers to receive personalized recommendations and offers based on browsing and purchasing history.

This can make the shopping experience more tailored and relevant to their needs.

2. Omnichannel shopping now accounts for roughly 27% of all retail sales.

The growth of omnichannel shopping can be attributed to the increased availability and accessibility of digital channels.

With the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, shoppers can now access multiple channels anywhere and anytime.

This has made it easier for shoppers to engage with brands across multiple touchpoints.

The increase is also due to a change in consumer behavior.

Shoppers are increasingly expecting a seamless experience across all channels and are more likely to shop with retailers who offer an integrated omnichannel approach.

This is particularly true for younger generations, who have grown up with technology and are comfortable shopping across multiple channels.

3. Today’s shoppers use an average of 6 touchpoints when considering a purchase.

(Source: MarketingWeek)

These touchpoints could include visiting a physical store, browsing a website or mobile app, reading reviews, or interacting with a brand on social media.

Shoppers want to gather as much information as possible before purchasing, particularly for higher-priced or more complex products.

Also, engaging with multiple touchpoints helps shoppers build trust in a brand, as they can see consistency and coherence across different channels.

4. Omnichannel marketing campaigns have a 250% higher purchase and engagement rate than single-channel campaigns.

(Source: Retail Dive)

An omnichannel approach, integrating multiple channels like social media, email, in-store promotions, and mobile messaging, delivers a more cohesive and effective strategy for reaching and engaging customers.

Omnichannel campaigns reach customers through various touchpoints, increasing visibility and engagement.

Consistent messaging across multiple channels helps reinforce the brand’s message, which leads to better recall and increased engagement.

5. Target’s omnichannel shoppers spend four times more than in-store shoppers.

(Source: IMD)

Omnichannel shoppers tend to be more loyal to brands that provide a seamless and integrated shopping experience across all channels.

This loyalty can translate into increased spending over time.

By fulfilling online orders from physical stores, Target can ensure that products are always available to omnichannel shoppers, even if they are not in stock at a particular location.

6. 98% of Americans switch between devices every day.

(Source: Strategus)

People often switch devices to handle different tasks simultaneously, such as watching TV while browsing the internet on a smartphone or tablet.

When these people interact with a brand from different devices, they expect to have the same experience.

For a majority of shoppers, consistency is very important.

7. 77% of strong omnichannel companies store customer data across channels, compared to 48% for weak omnichannel companies.

(Source: Aberdeen Group)

Storing customer data across channels gives companies a more complete picture of their customers.

Companies can gain insights into customer preferences and behavior patterns by tracking customer behavior across different channels.

In addition, storing customer data across channels can help companies provide a seamless customer experience.

For example, if a customer browses products on a company’s website but then visits a physical store, the company can use the customer’s browsing history to make product recommendations or provide personalized offers.

8. According to 87% of retailers, an omnichannel marketing strategy is critical for success.

(Source: PR Newswire)

Retailers must cater to their customers’ needs and preferences across various channels, including online and offline, to stay competitive and relevant.

An omnichannel marketing strategy can help retailers reach customers through multiple channels like email, social media, mobile apps, and physical stores.

9. Omnichannel strategies help generate around 80% of the in-store visits by customers.

(Source: Think With Google)

Omnichannel marketing strategies provide a seamless and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints, including both online and offline channels.

As a result, businesses that adopt an omnichannel approach can generate around 80% of their customers’ in-store visits.

Implementing an omnichannel strategy requires deeply understanding your customers’ needs and preferences.

This involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as social media, email, website analytics, and customer feedback.

By using this data to create personalized and relevant marketing messages, businesses can increase the likelihood of customers visiting their physical stores.

One effective way to implement an omnichannel strategy is by using mobile devices.

In today’s digital age, customers expect to be able to access information and make purchases from their mobile devices.

With a mobile-friendly website and app, you can create a seamless experience for your customers.

10. Omnichannel consumers have a 30 percent higher lifetime value to brands across online and offline channels.

(Source: IDC)

Omnichannel consumers interact with brands across multiple channels, such as online, mobile, social media, and in-store.

They are more loyal to brands and are willing to spend more money on their products and services. These customers are also more likely to recommend the brand to others, which can lead to more customers and increased revenue.

Brands must provide a seamless and consistent experience across all channels to capture the attention of omnichannel consumers.

This includes having a responsive website, a mobile app, a social media presence, and a physical store that all work together to provide a unified brand experience.

In addition, brands need to use data and analytics to understand the behavior and preferences of omnichannel consumers.

This can help them personalize their marketing messages and offers, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Brands that invest in omnichannel marketing are more likely to attract and retain loyal customers with a higher lifetime value.

11. 74% of customers used multiple channels to complete a purchase.

(Source: Emarsys)

With the rise of omnichannel marketing, customers can now interact with brands through various channels, including social media, email, mobile apps, and more.

As a result, many customers are using multiple channels to complete their purchases.

If you want to reach your customers effectively, you must be present on multiple channels.

Using a variety of channels can increase your chances of reaching customers at the right time and in the right place.

Create a cohesive omnichannel strategy that includes all of your customers’ channels. This might include social media marketing, email campaigns, mobile apps, etc.

Creating a consistent experience across all channels can build trust with your customers and increase your chances of making a sale.

12. In 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will drive successful omnichannel strategies.

With the help of AI and automation, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. From these insights, they can create personalized experiences for their customers.

Personalized experiences can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, AI and automation can help businesses streamline operations and reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks and processes.

This can free up resources that can be redirected towards other important business areas.

13. Nearly 75% of people who shop for furniture aged 55 years and above will predominantly shop in-store for this product type.

(Source: Retail Economics)

For furniture retailers targeting this age group, it is important to have a strong physical presence and create an in-store experience that appeals to their needs and preferences.

While online shopping has become more prevalent in recent years, certain product categories like furniture, still have a strong preference for in-store shopping.

This is likely due to the tactile nature of furniture shopping, where customers want to see and touch the products before making a purchase.

14. The Global Omnichannel Retailing Market was estimated at US$7.80 billion in 2023, rising to US$19.51 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% between 2023 and 2030.

(Source: Coherent Market Insights)

Omnichannel retailing refers to retailers’ approach to providing a seamless and integrated shopping experience across multiple online and offline channels.

The growth of the omnichannel retailing market can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, the increasing use of mobile devices and the internet has made it easier for consumers to shop online and access information about products and services.

Secondly, the rise of social media has created new opportunities for retailers to engage with customers and build brand loyalty.

Finally, the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning has enabled retailers to personalize the shopping experience and provide more targeted marketing.

To succeed in the omnichannel retailing market, retailers must provide a seamless and integrated shopping experience across all channels.

This requires a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences and the ability to leverage data and analytics to make informed business decisions.

By investing in the right technology and infrastructure, retailers can create a truly omnichannel shopping experience that meets the needs of modern consumers.

15. North America is the largest omnichannel retail market, accounting for more than 30.2% in 2022.

(Source: Coherent Market Insights)

The United States, in particular, has been at the forefront of omnichannel retailing.

This means that retailers in North America have successfully integrated their physical and digital channels.

It’s worth noting that Europe is the world’s second-largest omnichannel retail market, with a share of more than 25.7% in 2022.

This shows that omnichannel retailing is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, and retailers must keep up with this trend to remain competitive.

16. Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing omnichannel retailing market, with a more than 24.6% share by 2022.

(Source: Coherent Market Insights)

One of the biggest growth catalysts for omnichannel retail in Asia is the pandemic-induced lockdown.

Reports from Euromonitor International indicate that online sales in the region accounted for USD 994.9 billion in 2020, up by 28.1% from 2019.

Indonesia’s GoTo is among the Top 10 Fastest Growing Retailers in Asia Pacific for 2023, boasting an impressive year-on-year growth rate of 44%.

Other notable regional retailers include Sea Ltd, which achieved USD 43 billion in retail value sales in Asia Pacific in 2022.

Then, China’s Alibaba secured the top spot among the Top 10 Retailers overall in Asia Pacific, achieving nearly US$500 billion in retail value sales.

As the Asia Pacific region continues to lead the way in omnichannel retailing, retailers must focus on providing a seamless and integrated shopping experience across all channels.

This includes leveraging the power of social media, mobile devices, and other digital technologies to engage with customers and drive sales.

By adopting an omnichannel approach, retailers can meet the evolving needs of consumers in the region and position themselves for long-term success.

17. Over 60% of shoppers will first research a product they want to purchase online.

(Source: Google)

A strong online presence is crucial for businesses looking to attract potential customers.

One key benefit of omnichannel marketing is that it allows businesses to reach consumers at various touchpoints, including online.

By providing detailed product information and reviews on your website, you can help potential customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Additionally, leveraging social media platforms allows you to engage with customers and build brand awareness.

However, it is important to note that simply having an online presence is insufficient.

To stand out in a crowded digital marketplace, businesses must provide customers a seamless and personalized experience across all channels.

18. Omnichannel customers spend 4% more in-store and 10% online than single-channel customers.

(Source: Business Insider)

To take advantage of this trend, ensure your marketing efforts are integrated across all channels.

Customers should be able to access the same products, prices, and promotions whether they shop in-store or online.

Omnichannel customers are more likely to make repeat purchases.

19. Companies with omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for those with weak strategies.

(Source: Aberdeen Group)

Omnichannel marketing allows businesses to connect with customers on their preferred channels.

Customers can engage with a business on their preferred channel, whether social media, email, or phone, and receive a consistent experience across all channels.

This consistency is crucial for building trust and loyalty with customers. It shows that a business is committed to providing a high-quality experience no matter where the customer interacts.

Omnichannel marketing also allows businesses to collect customer data across multiple channels.

This data can be used to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can then be used to improve marketing strategies and customer experiences.

For example, if a business sees a customer interacting with them primarily through social media, they can tailor their marketing messages to that channel and provide a more personalized experience.

20. More than 80% of retailers believe physical stores will remain highly relevant.

Physical stores allow customers to touch, feel, and try on products before purchasing.

Additionally, physical stores offer a level of customer service that online retailers cannot match.

In fact, many retailers use their physical stores to enhance their omnichannel strategy by offering services such as buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) or buy online, return in-store (BORIS).

By combining the convenience of online shopping with the unique experience of physical stores, retailers can create a seamless shopping experience for their customers.

21. Marketing campaigns using at least three channels have a 494% higher order rate than single-channel campaigns.

(Source: Omnisend)

Omnichannel marketing allows businesses to reach customers through multiple touchpoints.

For example, a customer might see an ad on social media, receive an email, and then visit a physical store to make a purchase.

By using multiple channels, businesses can ensure that customers see their message at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

22. Walmart’s focus on omnichannel strategy led to a 12% growth in e-commerce sales in Q2 2023.

(Source: Statista)

Walmart’s click-and-collect strategy gives customers control and lower prices, contributing to the growth in e-commerce sales.

In 2021, click-and-collect e-commerce orders reached $20.4 billion, and Walmart accounted for 25% of those orders.

Walmart’s commitment to omnichannel efforts is part of its long-term strategy to deepen investments in online shopping.

The company has already committed to investing over $110 million in omnichannel efforts in 2024, which includes more accessible delivery options.

Walmart’s success in driving growth through its omnichannel strategy proves the importance of investing in a seamless customer shopping experience.

23. Only 11% of organizations claim to have a sophisticated omnichannel implementation.

Businesses that fail to implement a solid omnichannel strategy risk losing customers to competitors who offer a more seamless experience across all channels.

According to research, brands with the highest omnichannel customer engagement see a 9.5% yearly increase in revenue, compared to 3.4% for poor omnichannel brand strategies.

To craft an effective omnichannel strategy, you must harness customer data to analyze and understand shopping behaviors across all marketing channels.

This can help identify gaps and opportunities for improvement in the customer journey.

One of the biggest challenges in implementing an omnichannel strategy is consolidating supply chain processes.

Various supply chain processes have to work together to provide the omnichannel distribution.

For larger companies, synchronizing the management of procurement, warehousing, transportation, and other processes is especially challenging.

24. 27% of customers would leave and visit another brand’s store if an item is out of stock.

(Source: SaaSlist)

Another interesting finding from the omnichannel marketing statistics is that 21% of customers would instead purchase online from different competitors if an item is out of stock.

This highlights the importance of an effective e-commerce strategy to capture customers who prefer to shop online.

Additionally, 21% of customers would hold off buying the product if it is out of stock. Retailers need a clear communication strategy to inform customers when items will be back in stock and how long they will need to wait.

25. On average, omnichannel customers shop 1.7 times more than single-channel shoppers.

(Source: McKinsey)

One reason why omnichannel customers shop more is that they have more options.

By offering your customers multiple shopping channels, you’re giving them the flexibility to choose the one that best suits their needs.

For example, some customers may prefer to shop online, while others may prefer to visit your physical store.

Another reason why omnichannel customers shop more is that they have a better overall experience.

When you provide a consistent brand experience across all channels, you create a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, which can lead to increased sales.

26. 80% of B2B customers consider a performance guarantee crucial.

(Source: McKinsey)

Offering a performance guarantee as a B2B company not only helps build trust with customers but also sets you apart from your competitors.

By providing a guarantee, you demonstrate your confidence in your product or service, which can help increase sales and customer satisfaction.

To ensure that your performance guarantee is effective, it’s important to define the terms and conditions clearly.

This includes specifying what constitutes a failure to meet the agreed-upon performance level and outlining the process for claiming a refund.

27. 80% of B2B customers say showing product availability online is important.

One way to ensure that your customers have access to this information is to use an inventory management system.

This keeps track of your stock levels in real-time and updates your website accordingly.

Doing so can provide your customers with accurate information about product availability and avoid disappointing them with out-of-stock items.

Another benefit of showing product availability online is that it can help you to attract new customers.

When potential customers search for products or services online, they’re more likely to choose a company that provides this information upfront.

By making it easy for them to find what they’re looking for, you can increase their chances of choosing your business over your competitors.

28. 80% of B2B customers expect purchases to be enabled over any channel.

(Source: McKinsey)

To meet this expectation, businesses must invest in omnichannel marketing strategies that allow customers to purchase products or services through any channel.

This includes providing real-time customer service, showing product availability online, and offering a consistent experience as buyers toggle between channels.

According to a report by McKinsey, the new omnichannel sales model is as effective as or more effective than the sales model used before the pandemic.

The percentage of B2B decision-makers holding this view has climbed every time they were asked over the past 18 months.

In April 2020, only 65% of respondents thought the new sales model was as effective or more effective than the one they used before the pandemic.

But today, 94% of B2B decision-makers say the new omnichannel sales model is as effective or more than the one they used before the pandemic.

By 2025, mobile sales are projected to account for 10.4% of all retail transactions. This means businesses must ensure their mobile commerce (m-commerce) strategy is up to par.

In omnichannel marketing, a brand will use several channels to reach a customer, but each touchpoint is managed separately with a consistent message and experience.

29. Real-time customer service is crucial for B2B customers.

(Source: HubSpot)

According to a study, 79% of B2B customers expect companies to respond to their inquiries within 24 hours.

With the rise of omnichannel marketing, B2B companies must be able to provide customer service across multiple channels in real time.

This means that companies must be able to respond to customer inquiries via phone, email, social media, live chat, and other channels quickly and efficiently.

Real-time customer service helps increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customers who receive prompt and helpful responses to their inquiries are more likely to continue doing business with your company.

Companies must invest in technology and tools to provide effective real-time customer service. This includes having a robust customer relationship management system (CRM) to track customer interactions across multiple channels.

It also means having a team of skilled customer service representatives trained to handle customer inquiries promptly and professionally.

30. Consistent customer experience across channels is vital for B2B customers.

According to a McKinsey study, companies that successfully embed omnichannel show EBIT growth of 13.5 percent, compared to the 1.8 percent achieved by less digitally enabled peers.

Embracing an omnichannel approach creates a consistent experience across channels.

This means customers can trust that they will receive a similar level of service, quality, convenience, and information regardless of their channel.

It is essential to ensure that your brand’s messaging and tone of voice remain consistent across all channels, including social media, email, website, and phone.

31. Medtech companies use omnichannel approaches in various spaces.

Medtech companies use omnichannel approaches to engage with healthcare professionals and improve customer engagement.

Omnichannel approaches are commonly used in retail (both B2B and B2C) but also found in healthcare and other spaces.

Medtech companies engage with healthcare professionals through various channels, including digital marketing, inside sales, portal, e-commerce, and hybrid sales-rep interactions.

According to a McKinsey report, successful MedTech players follow a process with six elements to create a seamless omnichannel experience.

These elements include:

  • Defining the vision
  • Designing the engagement model
  • Setting up cross-functional implementation teams
  • Building an analytics engine
  • Developing a scalable technology plan
  • Preparing the organization for change

Although omnichannel capabilities can improve customer engagement and lead to financial outperformance, few companies have yet built them at scale.

32. Consumers engage in omnichannel shopping behaviors, combining online and in-store experiences.

Omnichannel retailing has transformed how consumers shop, allowing them to engage in online and in-store experiences.

According to McKinsey, 60%-70% of consumers consider online browsing or social media shopping as the new way to search for and buy things.

This is supported by more than 60% of consumers participating in omnichannel shopping.

Consumers now expect a seamless shopping experience across all channels, whether they are browsing online or shopping in-store.

Retailers who offer a seamless omnichannel experience can benefit from increased customer loyalty and higher sales.

In addition, a Salesforce survey found that 87% of shoppers begin their product searches online, while 46% buy online and pick up in-store.

This highlights the importance of having a strong online presence and offering convenient in-store pickup options.

33. Fast (two-day) product delivery is important to many buyers.

(Source: Retail Dive)

According to recent omnichannel marketing statistics, nearly half of online shoppers (47%) said that two-day delivery is a key factor in their purchase decisions.

Hence, retailers who offer fast delivery options are more likely to attract and retain customers.

In fact, many buyers are willing to pay extra for faster delivery.

A McKinsey survey found that approximately one in five US consumers will accept a marginal increase in shipping fees for faster shipping over standard free-delivery options.

This means that retailers offering expedited shipping options can increase their revenue while satisfying their customers’ needs.

Fast delivery is particularly important in the age of Amazon Prime, which has set the standard for speedy product delivery.

However, smaller retailers can also offer fast delivery options by partnering with third-party logistics providers or optimizing their supply chain processes.

By offering fast delivery options, retailers can not only meet their customer’s expectations but also gain a competitive edge in the market.

34. More shoppers are using digital searches to find shops nearby.

As the world becomes more digitally connected, more shoppers turn to digital searches to find nearby retail locations.

According to recent statistics, the number of people using online searches to find nearby retail locations has increased significantly over the past two years.

One study found that 42% of in-store shoppers search for information online while in-store, most using search engines to find what they’re looking for.

However, almost half of shoppers head to the retailer’s own site or app, indicating the importance of having a strong online presence.

This trend highlights the importance of implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy that includes both online and offline channels.

By providing localized information and creating a seamless shopping experience across all channels, retailers can better connect with the growing number of omnichannel shoppers.

35. Inconsistent information or inability to get what they need can lead customers to lose interest in a brand’s products or services.

According to a Salesforce study, 64% of customers expect companies to provide real-time responses and solutions to their problems, regardless of the channel they use to contact them.

Inconsistent information across channels can lead to confusion, frustration, and, ultimately, a loss of trust in the brand.

To avoid this, ensure that all channels are integrated and provide consistent customer information.

Use a central database that stores all customer information, including purchase history, preferences, and contact information.

Companies can use this information to provide personalized experiences tailored to each customer’s needs and preferences.

Also, ensure that all channels are easily accessible and provide customers with the information they need quickly and efficiently.

This can be achieved through the use of chatbots, self-service portals, and other tools that allow customers to find the information they need without having to wait for a response from a customer service representative.

36. Omnichannel customers engage with three to five channels each time.

(Source: McKinsey)

Customers’ use of multiple channels highlights the importance of an omnichannel marketing strategy.

Businesses that use multiple channels to reach their customers are more likely to provide a seamless experience, increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue.

To succeed in omnichannel marketing, you need to understand your customers’ preferences and behaviors.

You need to know which channels your customers are using, and how they are using them.

By understanding your customers, you can create a seamless experience that meets their customers’ needs and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is the omnichannel market?

The global omnichannel market was valued at USD 7.80 billion in 2017 and is expected to grow to USD 19.51 billion by 2030.

What are the 3 aspects of omnichannel marketing?

The three key aspects of omnichannel marketing are consistency, personalization, and convenience. Consistency refers to delivering a consistent brand message and experience across all channels. Personalization involves tailoring the customer experience to their preferences and behaviors. Convenience means making it easy for customers to interact with your brand on their preferred channels.

What percentage of customers want an omnichannel experience?

Approximately 68% of customers expect a consistent brand experience across all channels. Furthermore, a recent survey found that 73% of customers use multiple channels during their shopping journey.

Conclusion On Omnichannel Marketing Statistics

The statistics on omnichannel marketing show that it is an essential strategy for businesses to implement to increase customer engagement, retention, and revenue.

By providing personalized experiences across multiple channels, businesses can meet their customers where they are and provide them with the convenience and flexibility they desire.

Furthermore, push messages in omnichannel campaigns resulted in a whopping 614% order rate, while SMS-based omnichannel campaigns have a 429% higher conversion rate.

This highlights the importance of leveraging multiple channels to reach customers and provide them with a seamless experience.

By understanding these essential statistics, businesses can shape their omnichannel strategies effectively, ensuring they meet customer expectations and deliver personalized experiences.

Omnichannel marketing is not just a trend, but a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive in today’s market.

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