Rumble vs YouTube: the Ultimate Showdown

The world of online video sharing is constantly changing and evolving, with two major platforms leading the way: Rumble and YouTube. Both platforms have their advantages and drawbacks, appealing to a diverse range of content creators. With the online video industry rapidly expanding, millions of people are now turning to these platforms for their content consumption and sharing needs.

Rumble, a relatively new player, is challenging YouTube’s dominance, offering higher compensation and less censorship. On the other hand, YouTube provides lower compensation but a broader distribution network due to its strict guidelines.

In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between these two platforms. We’ll look at features, monetization opportunities, user experience, content discovery, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the Rumble and YouTube, empowering you to choose the platform that best suits your needs.

Background of Rumble and YouTube


Rumble, which was founded in 2013, has become a legitimate competitor in the online video-sharing platform market. It has gained momentum by positioning itself as a “free speech” platform, which has resulted in a growing user base. Rumble is an excellent alternative for content creators who face censorship issues on platforms like YouTube because it does not restrict much of its video content. It’s believed that Rumble has gained popularity among political figures who have had their content removed from YouTube.


YouTube has been the leader in online video creation and sharing since 2005. Its popularity can be attributed to its reliable server infrastructure, which ensures smooth video playback almost all the time. In addition, YouTube’s mobile app offers a range of features, including offline viewing, background playback, and advanced content discovery, making it a standout platform in the online video space.

YouTube has stricter guidelines now, and fewer options for monetization. However, their distribution network is much larger and well-established, which means that content creators can reach a wider audience. One issue I’ve noticed with YouTube is what I call “Streaming Envy”. Since YouTube is mostly comprised of regular people creating content, they often try to compete with streaming giants like Netflix or Hulu and end up losing sight of what makes their platform unique.

A controversial aspect of YouTube is its algorithmic censorship, which can redirect viewers and make it difficult for creators to succeed.

To round it off, while comparing Rumble and YouTube, there are two key factors to consider. Firstly, Rumble offers better monetization options for creators, while YouTube attracts them with its wider global reach. In the current world where online video content is reigning supreme, the choice between Rumble and YouTube ultimately comes down to the creator’s priorities regarding monetization and global reach.

Comparison of Revenue-Sharing Models

It’s important to examine the revenue-sharing models of Rumble and YouTube when comparing the two platforms. These models differ significantly in their approach and may be a decisive factor, especially for content creators who are evaluating the Rumble vs YouTube for monetization purposes.

Rumble’s Revenue Sharing Model

Let’s dive into Rumble’s model first. Simply put, Rumble is quite generous in how it shares its ad revenue with creators. By offering a more significant percentage of ad revenue to its content creators, Rumble emphasizes supporting its user base financially. It’s an approach that holds immense appeal for those who actively rely on advertising revenue to monetize their content.

Of course, the amount a creator takes home isn’t fixed. It depends on several factors, like the number of views and the engagement of their content. But overall, Rumble’s revenue sharing model embraces a more direct approach.

YouTube’s Revenue Sharing Model

YouTube employs a broader spectrum of monetization options. Besides the traditional ad revenue sharing, YouTube features options like sponsorships and merchandise sales. There’s also Super Chat – a fun, interactive way for users to support their favourite creators during live streams financially.

However, overall, YouTube does not share as much ad revenue as Rumble. Perhaps the platform’s larger user base and diverse means of monetization can make up for it.

Rumble’s Approach

One thing I’ve noted about Rumble is its robust set of content creation tools, supplementing its direct revenue-sharing model. Rumble also showcases a stronger hand when it comes to copyright enforcement – a defining aspect when we talk about Rumble vs YouTube for creators. A Rumble creator can trust that their content stays theirs and they are fairly compensated for every view.

YouTube’s Approach

Meanwhile, YouTube focuses more on engagement features, likely due to its larger user base. Reaching a larger audience is central to YouTube’s strategy, with the hope that creators can potentially earn more overall despite the lower ad revenue compensation.

In conclusion, the choice between Rumble vs YouTube boils down to a creator’s specific need or preference. With Rumble, a creator can expect a higher share of ad revenues while enjoying stronger copyright protections. In contrast, on YouTube, creators get a wider audience and more monetization options, even if they must settle for a smaller cut of ad revenues. Comparisons indeed help us understand things better, but the best video-sharing platform for a creator will always depend on their unique circumstances and goals.

Rumble vs YouTube: Advertising & PPC

As a content creator, it is important to understand the advertising and PPC models of digital video-sharing platforms Rumble and YouTube.


Rumble is a relatively new platform with a smaller user base. However, this can work to your advantage in terms of advertising costs. With less competition, you can expect lower PPC campaign costs. For businesses or individuals with tighter advertising budgets, Rumble might offer a more cost-effective solution.

When it comes to audience diversity, Rumble might have fewer people than YouTube, but it can provide a more specialized market that could be advantageous if it matches your target audience. It’s essential to note that Rumble’s advertising targeting capabilities may not be as advanced as YouTube’s, which is powered by Google. Advertisers should take this into account when deciding where to advertise.


When you use PPC ads on YouTube, you have access to an extremely advanced targeting mechanism. This allows you to focus on viewers based on their interests, demographics, search history, and the type of content they watch. This level of specificity is an enormous benefit for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience.

YouTube’s large user base is a significant advantage for advertisers. Your ads can potentially reach a diverse and global audience, making it particularly beneficial for brands seeking maximum exposure. However, with such a vast user base, competition can be fierce, and the cost of advertising might be higher, especially for highly sought-after target audiences.

Summary of Key Points

Rumble v YouTube for content creators requires a careful breakdown of several key aspects of both platforms.


The Rumble algorithm ranks videos based on quality content and viewer interaction, which provides a fair chance for all creators. In contrast, YouTube’s algorithm uses a complicated and ever-changing set of criteria that prioritize watch time, engagement, and user history. This can be particularly challenging for new creators who struggle to get noticed on the platform.


When comparing Rumble and YouTube monetization, it’s important to consider the various ways of making money. YouTube offers multiple options such as ad revenue, sponsorships, viewer patronage, and merchandising. However, the platform’s vast user base increases competition, making it harder for smaller channels to monetize effectively. On the other hand, Rumble provides fewer but potentially more valuable opportunities for monetization due to its focus on high-quality content instead of sheer popularity.

User base

When comparing the user base of Rumble and YouTube, it is worth noting that YouTube has a staggering 2 billion active users. However, due to its algorithm, engagement on the platform can be unpredictable. On the other hand, Rumble has a smaller user base that is more loyal, which can result in higher engagement and return views. Ultimately, the choice of platform depends on a creator’s preference – whether they value quality and depth of engagement with viewers or the allure of a larger audience with potentially higher earning potential.

Consider all these facts, and you are well on your way to picking the platform that suits your content creation style the best.

Rumble vs YouTube: Content Creator Features

While journeying through the Rumble vs YouTube debate, it’s crucial to dissect their diverse toolkits for content creators. Rumble and YouTube, despite presenting a collection of tools, follow distinct methodology.

Rumble Vs YouTube For Creators – the main difference lies not in the tools they offer but in how creators utilise them. Rumble sharpens its focus on video content. A shining testament is the Rumble Studio, a feature specially designed to let creators refine their videos, insert captions, and even add subtitles.

However, when it comes to versatility, YouTube stands tall. Additional features include podcasts, live streaming, Stories, and Community Posts alongside vast video horizons.

Both Rumble and YouTube are trying to engage more users, but they are taking different approaches. Rumble is focusing on visuals and has created a user interface that showcases videos. On the other hand, YouTube is using an integrated strategy that includes features such as Stories, Community Posts, and social interactions.

The competition between Rumble and YouTube for monetization is fierce. While YouTube provides various opportunities to earn, its strict regulations can limit creativity. On the other hand, Rumble’s more relaxed approach unlocks a vast array of possibilities, including revenue sharing from advertisements, paid subscriptions, and video licensing.

With these valuable insights, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on which platform aligns best with your creative objectives and aspirations. It is worth noting that new players are entering the digital video space, which is expanding rapidly.

Therefore, whichever platform you choose, ensure that it serves your content, vision, and ultimately, your audience in the best possible way.

Rumble vs YouTube: Monetization Opportunities

When choosing between Rumble vs YouTube, monetization opportunities are a crucial factor to consider due to their unique strengths and weaknesses in this area.

Rumble’s Revenue-Sharing Model: As a content creator, I’ve observed that Rumble provides a refreshing and lucrative approach to monetization. Its ad revenue-sharing model grants creators a larger percentage of the ad revenue compared to YouTube. Rumble offers creators 60% of the earnings from any licensing agreements while retaining 40% for itself. For those of us who mainly depend on ad-based earnings, Rumble can seem notably attractive.

YouTube’s Diverse Monetization Options: On the flip side, YouTube also holds its ground. This platform boasts a wide array of monetization options, including sponsorships, merchandise sales, and Super Chat provisions. As a creator, you’re not tied to just one monetization model; you can diversify your income streams. YouTube implements a revenue-sharing model where content creators receive 55% of the advertising revenue generated from their videos, with the remaining 45% going to YouTube.

In the contest of “Rumble vs YouTube For Monetization”, it’s relevant to note that while Rumble eases your monetization journey, the scale of your audience, and hence potential earnings, may currently be lower than on YouTube. Therefore, it’s crucial to evaluate your priorities — is immediate monetization more critical or building a large audience base?

The “Rumble vs YouTube” debate rages on: the tolerant policies of Rumble grant vast creative freedom, while YouTube’s strict guidelines ensure quality control.

It’s worth considering the interplay between monetization, creative control, and user base as a content creator before committing to a platform.

Which Platform is Right for You: Rumble or YouTube?

In the debate between Rumble vs YouTube, it’s crucial to examine the key differences that differentiate these platforms in terms of opportunities for monetization.

Let’s dive into Rumble. This platform is unique in its management rights – it allows you to retain full control of your video. You reap 60% of any ad revenue from the views on the Rumble platform itself. When comparing Rumble vs YouTube for monetization, this is a profitable deal for creators who prefer a greater degree of independence in managing their content.

Moreover, Rumble is setting its sights on expanding its user base and investing heavily in attracting creators. With its more lenient community guidelines and robust copyright enforcement, Rumble offers a promising prospect for content creators eyeing flexibility and security.

On the other hand, YouTube remains a powerhouse in the digital content world. It’s a feature-rich platform replete with an audience that Rumble has yet to build. With its bustling interface and community features, YouTube undeniably offers a more comprehensive social experience, which can benefit creators aiming for engagement and reach.

The Rumble vs YouTube user base is a critical factor to consider. Although Rumble hosts popular creators, YouTube still holds a vast audience that can drive significant ad revenue and engagement on your content. Thus, YouTube might offer better earnings potential for most creators at this stage.

When it comes to choosing between Rumble and YouTube, it ultimately depends on your specific needs as a content creator. If you value autonomy and prefer to use a growing platform, then Rumble may be the better choice for you. However, if you’re looking for a platform with a massive audience and a proven track record, then YouTube is the way to go.

Keep in mind that each platform has its own policies and revenue-sharing models, so be sure to carefully consider these factors before making a decision between Rumble and YouTube.


After conducting a comprehensive comparison, it is evident that both Rumble and YouTube have their own strengths for content producers. Rumble differentiates itself with its policies that are friendly towards creators, allowing them to retain complete control over their videos and providing a generous 60% share of ad revenue. Moreover, it has a strong grasp of copyright issues and more flexible community guidelines.

Creators may find YouTube more profitable due to its larger user base and interactive community features. However, the choice between YouTube and Rumble depends on your specific needs and preferences. Rumble offers better revenue share and greater autonomy, while YouTube provides a more social experience and a wider audience. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which platform better fits your goals.


What is the most popular online video platform?

With 2.6 billion active users, YouTube is the world’s most popular video-sharing platform.

Does Rumble use less data than YouTube?

Rumble is more efficient than YouTube in terms of bandwidth usage, which can help save on costs.

How does Rumble work with YouTube?

You can use the Rumble YouTube Channel Sync to automatically transfer your existing YouTube content to Rumble. This allows you to earn from both platforms without manually uploading videos.

Is Rumble still popular?

Rumble’s popularity has grown significantly, with a reported 78 million active users globally as of 15 August 2022.

Can you upload the same video on YouTube and Rumble?

Yes, you can upload and earn money from the same videos on both YouTube and Rumble. However, you need a YouTube Partner account and a Rumble Partner account for monetization on both platforms.


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